Berita tentang pemboikotan

Al-Bakri fil Muar
18 Jan 2009

Nampaknya syarikat seperti McDonald & Starbuck dah mengeluarkan kenyataan menafikan keuntungan mereka disalurkan kepada Israel. Nampaknya ada sedikit berlaku kerisauan buat syarikat-syarikat ini.

Boycott Nokia [a Finnish company]
Boycott Nestle [ a Swiss company]
Boycott McDonalds
Boycott Coca-Cola
Boycott Ambi Pur
Boycott Timberland
Boycott Sunkist
Boycott Revlon
Boycott Kleenex
Boycott Johnson and Johnson

Letter to US company and others :

To US companies and it citizen, we are not against your country but it is your country that against the world. Boycott is the only things that we are able to do. Why we are boycotting US company or its affliate because US has consistantly support Israel aggression and war towards its neghboring country.

Please look in Lebanon mid 80's and recent war. It is your made bomb and ammunition that kill women, children and elderly people.

What should the world do?

We [the world] understand your concern [on the boycott] and we also know with your profit, some of it will be given to your country in term of taxes. Then with this taxes your government build military superiority, plane, bomb and etc. which indirectly or directly benifit Israel.

No what so ever comment from your President and congress make any condemnation to Israel aggression.

Till then we [the world and people of my country] will continue boycotting US made goods.

Again we stress that we are not against you and others company. We want to make world live in harmony by respecting others not threatening.

Truly yours,
The world


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